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            Corporate news and information reports

            Continuous May fourth spirit encourages the power of youth

            2024-05-04 10:04:30

            YOUTH DAY

            May Fourth Youth Day

            # My youth is my rule #

            Follow what your heart wants

            Live up to one's youthful dreams

            Long live youth



            May Fourth Movement

            Gave birth to patriotism, progress, democracy, science

            As the main content of the great May Fourth spirit

            As the great ancestor Chen Duxiu said

            "Youth is like the dawn of spring

            Such as hundred Ou sprout

            Like the new hair of a sword, it bailiffs

            The most precious period of life."

            May we always be young and live up to our youth

            May we defy the wind and rain and go beyond our limits

            Write the song of new youth with practical actions

            Happy Youth Day 2024!

            Five movement youth · four thoughts flying

            Carry forward the May Fourth Spirit

            copyright 貴州航宇科技發(fā)展股份有限公司 貴公網安備 52011502000727號 黔ICP備08100444號-1

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